Thursday, September 8, 2016

Behavior parameterization in Java 8 with lambda expressions and functional interfaces

Java 8 is packed with some new features in language level. In this blog post I hope to give an introduction to behavior parameterization with samples using lambda expressions. I will first describe a simple scenario and give a solution with java 7 features and then improve that solution with java 8 features.

What is behavior parameterization?

Behavior parameterization is a technique to improve the ability to handle changing requirements by allowing a caller of a function to pass custom behavior as a parameter. In a simple note, you can pass a block of code as an argument to another method, which will parameterize the behavior based on the passed code block.

Sample scenario:

Assume a scenario of a Company with set of Employees. The management of the company need to analyze the details of the employees of the company to identify/categorize employees into set of groups. (eg: group based on age, gender, position etc).

Below is a sample code for categorizing employees based on age and gender with java 7.

Solution 1 - Using java 7

There are 2 methods filterByAge() and filterByGender() which follows the same pattern except one logic which is the logic inside the if statement. If we can parameterize the behavior inside the if block, we could use a single method to perform both filtering options. It improves the ability to tell a method to take multiple strategies as parameters and follow them internally as per the requirements.

Lets try to reduce the code to a single method using anonymous classes. We are still using java 7 and no java 8 features were used.

Solution 2 - Improved with anonymous classes

Instead of maintaining two methods we have introduced a new method “filterEmployee” which takes 2 arguments an employee inventory and an EmployeePredicate. EmployeePredicate is a customized interface that has a single abstract method test() which takes an Employee object and returns a boolean. Then we have used 2 implementations of EmployeePredicate interface as anonymous classes to pass the behavior as per the requirement.

We have changed our program from solution-1 to solution-2 with following steps:
  1. We have reduced 2 methods to a single method and improved that method to accept a behavior. (This is an improvement)
  2. We had to introduce a new custom interface EmployeePredicate and use anonymous classes to pass the behaviour. (This is not a good enough and verbose. We need to improve this)

Functional Interfaces

Functional interface is an interface that has only a one abstract method. (Similar to what we have introduced in the previous solution, EmployeePredicate interface). Functional interface can have other default methods (which is another new feature introduced in java8) as long as it includes a single abstract method.

Sample functional interfaces:

As per our latest solution with anonymous classes, we need to create our own interface that includes a method accepting an object of our preference and return some output. But with java 8 there are some generic functional interfaces that were newly introduced. We can reuse them to pass different behaviors without creating our own interfaces. I have listed some of them below:

  1. java.util.function.Predicate<T> interface has a one abstract method “test()” that takes an Object of type T and returns a boolean.
    1. Eg: as per our scenario We take Employee as an object and return a boolean to indicate if the employee’s age is less than 30.
  2. java.util.function.Consumer<T> interface has a one abstract method “accept()” that takes an Object of type T and does not return anything
    1. Eg: Assume we need to print all the details of a given Employee. But not return anything. We can use Consumer interface.
  3. java.util.function.Function<T,R> interface has a one abstract method “apply()” that takes an Object of Type T and returns an Object of type R.
    1. Eg: Assume we need to take Employee object and return the employee ID as an integer.

What should be the functional interface that we need to use to improve our existing solution in the employee categorizing scenario?
Lets try to use Predicate functional interface and improve the solution.

Solution 3 - Using java 8 functional interfaces

So far we have changed our program from solution-2 to solution-3 with the steps below:
  1. We have removed the customized interface EmployeePredicate and used an existing Predicate functional interface from java 8 - (This is an improvement and we have reduced an interface)
  2. We still use the anonymous functions. (still verbose and not good enough)

Lambda expressions:

We can use lambda expressions in any place we need to pass a functional interface. Lambda expressions can represent behavior or pass code similar to anonymous functions. It can has a list of parameters, method body and a return type.
We can describe a lambda expression as a combination of 3 parts as below:

  1. List of parameters
  2. An arrow
  3. Method body

Consider the sample lambda expression below:

(Employee employee) ---> employee.getAge() < 30

This sample shows how we can pass a behavior to a Predicate interface that we have used in solution-3. Lets first analyze a anonymous class we have used.

We are implementing the Predicate functional interface that has a single abstract method. This abstract method takes an Object as parameters and return a boolean value. In the lambda expression we have used:

  1. (Employee employee)   : Parameters for the abstract function of Predicate interface
  2. --->                                : Arrow separates the list of parameters from the body of lambda
  3. employee.getAge() < 30 : This is the body of the abstract method of the predicate. The result of the body is a boolean value. Hence the above lambda expression returns a boolean value.

Sample lambda expressions:
  1. (Employee employee) ---> System.out.println(“Employee name : ” + + “\n Employee ID: ” +
    1. This a possible implementation of the Consumer functional interface that has a single abstract method that accepts an object and return void.
  2. (String s) ---> s.length()
    1. This a possible implementation of the Function functional interface that has a single abstract method that accepts an object and return another object.
  3. () → new Integer(10)
    1. This lambda expression is for a functional interface that has a single abstract method with no arguments and return an integer.
  4. (Employee employee, Department dept)  ---> {
                              If (dept.getEmployeeList().contains(employee.getID)) {
                                          System.out.println(“Employee : ” + employee.getName());

    1. This lambda expression is for a functional interface that has a single abstract method with 2 arguments of type object and return a void.

Let's rewrite the solution using lambda expressions.
Solution - 4 (Using lambda expressions)

Solution-4 can further improved using method references. I have not discussed method references with this blog post and will not include that solution here.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Using NoSQL databases

Databases plays a vital role when it comes to managing data in applications. RDBMS (Relational Database Management Systems) are commonly use to store/manage data/transactions in application programming.
As per the design of RDBMS, there are some limitations when applying RDBMS to manage Big/dynamic/unstructured data.
  • RDBMS use tables, join operations, references/foreign keys to make connections among tables. It will be costly to handle complex operations that involve multiple tables.
  • It is hard to restructure a table. (eg: each entry/row in the table has similar set of fields). If the data structure changed, the table has to be changed
In contrast, there are applications that process large scale, dynamic data (eg: geospatial data, data used in social networks). Due to the limitations above, the RDBMS may not be the ideal choice. 

What is No-SQL?

No-SQL (Not only SQL) is a non-relational database management system, that has some significant differences than RDBMSs. No-SQL as the name suggest does not use a SQL as the querying language and uses javascript(commonly used) instead. JSON is frequently used when storing records. 

No-SQL databases some key features that make it more flexible than RDBMS,
  1. The database, tables, fields need not to be pre-defined when inserting records. If the data structure is not present database will create it automatically when inserting data. 
  2. Each record/entry (or row in terms of RDBMS tables) need not to have the same set of fields. We can create fields when creating the records.
  3. Allows nested data structures (eg: arrays, documents)
Different types of No-SQL data:

  1. Key-Value:
    1. A simple way of storing records with a key(from which we can lookup the data) and a value (can be a simple string or a JSON value)
    1345"{Name: Nipuni, Surname: Perera, Occupation: Software Engineer}"

  2. Graph:
    1. Used when data can be represented as interconnected nodes.     
  3. Column:
    1. Uses a similar flat table structure used in RDBMSs, but keys are used in columns rather than in rows. 

  4. Document:
    1. Stored in a format like JNSON, XML.
    2. Each document can have a unique structure. (Document type is used when storing objects and support OOP)
    3. Each document usually has a specific key, which can use to retrieve the document quickly.
    4. Users can query data by the tagged elements. The result can be a String, array, object etc. (I have highlighted some of the tags in the sample document below.)
    5. A sample document data that stores personal details may look like below:
      1. {
Name”: “Nipuni”
Education”: [
{ “secondary-education”:”University of Moratuwa”}
, { “primary-education”: ”St.Pauls Girsl School”}

Possible application for No-SQL
  1. No-SQL commonly used in web applications, that involves dynamic data. As per the data type description above, No-SQL is capable of storing unstructured data. No-SQL can be a powerful candidate for handling big data. 
  2. There are many implementations available for No-SQL (eg:  CouchDB, MongoDB) that serve different types of data structures.
  3. No-SQL can use to retrieve full list (that may involve multiple tables when using RDBMS). Eg: Retrieving details of a customer in a financial company may have different levels of information about the customer (eg: personal details, transaction details, tax/income details). No-SQL can save all this data in a single entry with a nested data type (eg: document), which then can retrieve complete data set without any complex join operation. 
The decision on which scheme to use depend on the requirement of the application. Generally, 

  1. Structured, predictable data can be handled with →  RDBMS
  2. Unstructured, bid data, complex and rapidly changing data can manage with → No SQL (But there are different implementations for No-SQL that provide different capabilities. No-SQL is just a concept for database management systems.)

No-SQL with ACID properties

Relational databases usually guarantee ACID properties. ACID provides a rule set that guarantees to handle transactions keeping its data safe. It depend on which No-SQL implementation you choose, and how much the database implementation guarantee the ACID properties.

  • Atomicity - when you do something to change a database the change should work or fail as a whole. Atomicity is guaranteed in document wide transactions. Writes cannot be partially applies to an inserted document.
  • Consistency-  the database should remain consistent. This feature support depend on your chosen No-SQL implementation. As No-SQL databases mainly support distributed systems, consistency and availability may not compatible.

  • Isolation - If multiple transactions are processing at the same time they shouldn't be able to see mid-status. There are No-SQL implementations that support read/write locks to to support isolation mechanism. But this too depends on the implementation.
  • Durability - If there is a failure (hardware or software) the database needs to be able to pick itself back up. No-SQL implementations support different mechanisms (eg: MongoDB supports journaling. With journaling when you do an insert operation in mongoDB it keeps that in memory and insert into a journal. )

Limitations of No-SQL

  1. There are different DBs available that uses No-SQL, you need to evaluate and find out which fits your requirements the most.
  2. Possibility of duplication of data.
  3. ACID properties may not support for all the implementations.

I have mainly worked with RDBMS, and have a general idea about the No-SQL concept. There is are significant differences between RDBMS and No-SQL database management systems. The choice depends on the requirements of the application and the No-SQL implementation to use. IMHO the decision should take after a proper evaluation of the requirement, and the limitation that the system can afford.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Creating Docker Image for WSO2 ESB

Docker is a Container, used for running an application so that container is separate from others and run safely. Docker has a straightforward CLI that allows you to do almost everything you could want to a container.
Most of these commands use image id, image name, and the container id depend on the requirement. Docker daemon always run as the root user. Docker has a concept of "base containers", which you use to build your containers. After making changes to a base container, you can save those change and commit them.
One of Docker's most basic images is called "Ubuntu" (which I have used in my sample described in this post)
A Dockerfile provides a set of instructions for Docker to run on a container.
For each line in the Dockerfile, a new container is produced if that line results in a change to the image used. You can create you own images and commit them to Docker Hub so that you can share them with others. The Docker Hub is a public registry maintained by Docker, Inc. that contains images you can download and use to build containers.

 With this blog post, I am creating a docker image to start wso2 ESB server. I have created the dockerfile below to create my image. 

FROM       ubuntu:14.04


RUN apt-get update

RUN sudo apt-get install zip unzip

COPY /opt

COPY /opt

WORKDIR "/opt"

RUN unzip

RUN unzip /opt/ 

ENV JAVA_HOME /opt/jdk1.8.0_60

RUN chmod +x /opt/wso2esb-4.8.1/bin/

EXPOSE 9443 9763 8243 8280 

CMD ["/opt/wso2esb-4.8.1/bin/"]

FROM ------------>will tell Docker what image is to base this off of.
RUN   ------------->will run the given command (as user "root") using sh -c "your-given-command"
ADD   ------------->will copy a file from the host machine into the container
WORKDIR ------ >set your location from which you need to run your commands from
EXPOSE ---------->will expose a port to the host machine. You can expose multiple ports.
CMD -------------- >will run a command (not using sh -c). This is usually your long-running process. In this case, we are running the script. 

Following are the possible errors that you may face while building the docker image with a dockerfile: 

Step 1 : FROM ubuntu:14.04

 ---> 1d073211c498

Step 2 : MAINTAINER Nipuni

 ---> Using cache

 ---> c368e39cc306

Step 3 : RUN unzip

 ---> Running in ade0ad7d1885

 /bin/sh: 1: unzip:  not found 

As you can see the dockerfile has encountered an issue in step 3 which is “unzip is not found” to run as a program. This is because we need to add all the dependencies to the dockerfile before using them. Dockerfile creates an image based on the basic image “ubuntu:14.04” which is just a simple Ubuntu image. You need to install all the required dependencies (in my case it would be unzip) before using them.

Step 5 : RUN unzip
 ---> Running in e8433183014c

 unzip : cannot find or open, or

The issue is docker cannot find the zip file. I have added my zip file as the same location of my dockerfile. While building the docker image, you need to copy your resources to docker instance location with “COPY” command.

Step 9 : RUN /opt/wso2esb-4.8.1/bin/

Error: JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly.

 CARBON cannot execute java

We need JAVA_HOME environment variable to be set properly while running wso2 products. Docker support setting environment variables with “ENV” command. You can copy your jdk zip file similar to and set JAVA_HOME. I have added below commands to my dockerfile.

COPY /opt

RUN unzip

ENV JAVA_HOME /opt/jdk1.7.0_65

 After successfully creating the dockerfile, save it with name "Dockerfile" in you preferred location. Add and to same location.

You can then run the saved  dockerfile with command below:

 sudo docker build -t wso2-esb .

 As result you can see the commands listed in the dockerfile are running one by one with final line "Successfully built <image-ID>".

 You can view the newly created image with "sudo docker images".

 You can then run your image with command "sudo docker run -t <Image-ID>". You should be able to see the logs while starting the wso2 server.

 You also can access the server logs with "sudo docker logs <container-ID>".

Monday, June 29, 2015

Claim Management with WSO2 IS

WSO2 Carbon supports different claim dialects. A claim dialect can be thought of as a group of claims. A claim carries information from the underlying user store.

Claim attributes in user profile info page:

In WSO2 IS each piece of user attribute is mapped as a claim. If you visit the user profile page for a specific user (Configure --> Users and Roles --> Users --> User Profile), you can view the user profile data (see figure 1 below).

Figure 1

As you can see there are mandatory fields (eg: Profile Name), optional fields (eg: Country) and read only fields (eg: Role).
You can add a new user profile field to the above page. If you visit Claim Management list (in Configure --> Claim Management), there are set of default claim dialects listed in WSO2 IS. Among them is the default dialect for WSO2 Carbon. You can follow the steps below to add a new field to the user profile info page:
  1. Click on dialect . This will list down a set of claim attributes.
  2. Lets say you need to add attribute "Nick Name" to the user profile page. 
  3. Click on attribute "Nick Name" and "Edit" . There are a set of fields you can edit. Some important features are:
    1. Supported by Default - This will add the attribute to the user profile page
    2. Required - This will make the attribute mandatory to fill when updating user profile
    3. Read-only - This will make the attribute read-only 
  4. You can try actions listed above and add any attribute listed in the dialect (or add a new claim attribute using "Add new Claim Mapping" option)
There are some more useful dialects defined in WSO2 IS.

One such dialect is  which is defined for OpenID attribute exchange. Attributes defined in this dialect will be used when retrieving claims for user info requests (as I have described in my previous post on "Accessing WSO2 IS profile info with curl"  ).

How to add a value to a claim defined in OpenID dialect?

(This mapping is currently valid for WSO2 IS 5.0.0 and will get changed in a later release)
You can follow the steps below when adding a value to a claim attribute in the OpenID dialect.
  1.  Start WSO2 IS and login.
  2. Go to wso2 OpenID claim dialect. (
  3. Find a claim attribute that you need to add a value to. (eg: Given Name)
  4. Go to User Profile page. This will not display an entry to add Given Name attribute. 
  5. As I have described in the first section of this post add a new claim mapping to the default dialect for WSO2 Carbon ( with the name and the "Mapped Attribute (s)". (Eg: Add a new Claim with the following details: )
    1.  Display Name : Given Name
    2.  Claim Uri : given_name
    3.  Mapped Attribute (s) : cn   ----> add the same Mapped Attribute in you OpenID claim attribute
    4.  Supported by Default : check
    5. Required : check
  6. Now you have a new claim attribute added to the default dialect for WSO2 Carbon
  7. If you visit the user profile page of a user you can add a value to the newly added attribute. 
  8. If you retrieve user info as in "Accessing WSO2 IS profile info with curl" you can see the newly added value is retrieved in the format {<Claim Uri > : <given value>} eg: ({given_name : xxxxx})
Please note that if you still can't see the newly added value when retrieving user info, you may have to restart the server or retry after cache invalidates (after 15min).  

This claim mapping operate as follows:
 > When you add a value to a user profile field via the UI (eg: adding a value to "Full Name" will map the value with the mapping attribute "cn" of the claim).
 > Hence if there is any other claim attribute in OpenID dialect that has the same mapping attribute "cn" then, this will also get the value added above.
 > (Eg: say you have "Mapping Attribute"="cn" in the claim attribute "Full Name" in OpenID dialect, You can get the value you have entered in to the "Full Name" entry in the user profile.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Accessing WSO2 IS profile info with curl

The WSO2 Identity Server is able to implement the OpendID connect Client profile. This posts give a basic steps you can follow to retrieve profile info from WSO2 IS

You can retrieve the access token with the command below.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" <oauth2-token-url> --insecure --data "client_id=<client-id>&client_secret=<client-secret>&grant_type=client_credentials&scope=openid"

Please find a sample command below. Token url is https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token if you have a IS server with hostname “localhost” and no port offset is set. You can find the client id and client secret under the “OAuth/OpenID connect configuration” section of the service provider you are using. Please not that you need to set scope to “openid”

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token --insecure --data "client_id=1Kfz8ivbw0hqjoTbo1LbVTJl2f4a&client_secret=8c7d2hVE4p17_lIZ4FHOtWLJfQEa&grant_type=client_credentials&scope=openid"

Following is a sample output received.


Then we can use the access token retrieved above to view profile info with the curl command below.

curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer <access-token>" <userinfo-edpoint>?schema=openid 

A sample command is as follows 

curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer 7244fef5b5de362489c5b2ed16de9e" https://localhost:9443/oauth2/userinfo?schema=openid 

This will then retrieve the list of user info attributes that has not null values as the output below.


If you have looked into identity.xml inside <IS-HOME>/ repository/conf, you can find the response builder class as follows, You can customize this extending the interface UserInfoResponseBuilder [1]. Sample implementation can be found in [2].
